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Setting Expectations and Empowering Your Team for Success

As a consulting company, we frequently work with business leaders who express frustration with their team's performance. "My team isn't meeting my expectations," they tell us. But when we ask them what those expectations are, they often struggle to articulate them. This lack of clarity sets the stage for communication breakdowns and frustration on both sides.

That's why we believe it's critical to clearly set and communicate your expectations with your team. As the old saying goes, "You can't manage to an expectation that you've never set." If you don't know what you expect from your team, how can you expect them to meet those expectations?

But setting expectations is only the first step. Once you've clearly communicated your expectations, it's important to hold your team accountable when they fall short. Open and honest communication is key here. Don't be afraid to have difficult conversations when necessary. You'd be amazed by the transformation someone can make when they are simply told the areas they need to improve upon.

Do you clearly understand the expectations of your direct manager?

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And don't stop at simply pointing out where your team is falling short. Empower them to do better. Provide them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. If someone is lacking in a particular skill, assign them to a peer-mentor or allow them to work side-by-side with someone who can demonstrate those skills.

At Emory Alva, we believe that setting clear expectations and empowering your team are critical components of successful leadership. Our team of experts can help you develop the skills you need to communicate effectively with your team and foster a culture of accountability and empowerment.

So if you're feeling frustrated with your team's performance, take a step back and ask yourself: Have I clearly communicated my expectations? And if so, am I empowering my team to do better? If you need help answering those questions or developing the skills you need to succeed as a leader, contact us today. We're here to help you achieve your goals and build a high-performing team.

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